Admins can create team size limits for their P4T challenges to ensure a level playing field. We recommend setting team size limits before you invite participants to your P4T org and subsequent challenges.
Team size limits can be whatever you'd like. Many organizations create team sizes that range from 4-10 users.
Add Team Size Limit
1. Click Team Settings in the Manage Teams menu, or click Settings and scroll down to Team Settings.
2. Click Yes to activate the team size limit setting and click Edit.
3. Set the team limit to whatever you'd like, and click Save.
The team limit applies to all teams in your P4T org. Once set up, this limit to will be applied to all teams in your org. Editing the team size limit will not affect any existing teams that have more members than the limit.
You must create enough teams and team size limits to accommodate your subscription participant limits. If you do not, new users cannot join your organization. The system will warn you if you need more teams, or adjust your team size limit.
Change or Remove Team Size Limit
To change the team size limit, return to Team Settings > Edit and change it to whatever you'd like.
To remove the team size, click the size limit button to No.
Full Teams
When users go through the join org process and reach the team selection screen, teams that have reached the limit will be marked Full. Users must choose another team to join the org successfully. Anyone who tries to join a full team will receive a notification.