You can easily remove participants from a P4T org before, during, or after a challenge.
Key Points
Removing a participant from a P4T org removes all data for in-progress challenges and all data from the P4T org.
A removed participant can rejoin your P4T org if they have the invite code(s) and your admin settings have allowed new users to join the org.
You can remove multiple participants on the same team at one time.
Search Box Method
1. Click the Manage Teams button, and enter the participant's Pacer name or their team name in the search box and click Search.
2. Click the box next to the participant's name and click the Remove button. Confirm removal.
You can also hover the mouse cursor next to the user's name and click the remove (trash can) button. Confirm removal.
Team Roster Method
1. Click the Manage Teams button, and then click the participant's team name/icon from the team roster.
2. Click the box next to the participant's name and click the Remove button. Confirm removal.
3. You can also hover the mouse cursor next to the user's name and click the Remove button. Confirm removal.
4. You can delete more than one participant at a time if they are on the same team. Click the box next to their names, and then click the Remove button. Confirm.
If you want to delete all team members, click the box in the top left corner of the team box to select all. Click the Remove button, and confirm.