Our dedicated team of engineers strive to maintain world-class product quality with every Pacer app version, downloadable via the App Store or Google Play, and to the Pacer for Teams Admin portal. That said, there are some known technical issues we are in the process of fixing that you might encounter while managing your fitness challenge.The following is a list of known issues that we are currently working on fixing in future upgrades:
Time Zone Changes - Android & iOS
If your participants travel and change time zones during your challenge, some of their steps might be shifted to other days, or partially over-counted during the day(s) on which the time zone change happened.
Inactive participants will show 0 steps - Android & iOS
Generally speaking, Pacer tries to upload participant step data several times a day, even if the participant has not opened the app. However, Pacer cannot guarantee that it can run in the background on participants’ phones, as this is entirely controlled by the devices’ operating systems. As mentioned above, participants do need to occasionally open the Pacer app on their devices for their step data to upload to the Admin portal. If you see users with no step data in the leaderboard, most likely it is because they are not opening the app on their devices.
Older iPhones are not counting steps accurately - iOS
iPhones 4S, 5, and 5C do not have built-in step counting capabilities. Pacer will still run on these devices, but step counting might be less accurate than on newer iPhone devices.
Older Android phones are not counting steps accurately - Android
Most popular Android devices are capable of accurate, all-day step tracking. However, some older models, and models by certain manufacturers, might have limitations. In almost all cases these limitations can be resolved by adjusting a user’s phone settings, and we do provide detailed troubleshooting for many popular phones in our Pacer Support FAQ. However, you might still find some participants with older devices have some difficulty enabling Pacer to work.