In order to allow you to decide if a Pacer Premium subscription is right for you, we offer all new users a free trial which unlocks all Pacer Premium features and contents.
How long do free trials last?
Pacer Premium free trial periods last for 7 days starting from the time you choose to subscribe.
Who is eligible for a free trial?
All Pacer users who have never subscribed to Pacer Premium are eligible for exactly one Pacer Premium free trial. If you have previously already used a free trial, or if you previously subscribed to Pacer Premium, you will not have access to another free trial.
Will I be charged at the end of the free trial?
If you sign up for a free trial, you consent to be automatically charged for a paid subscription at the end of the trial period. If while using the free trial you decide you do not wish to purchase a paid subscription, you can cancel your free trial at anytime before the expiration to avoid being charged.
What if I forget to cancel and get charged by mistake? Can I get a refund from Pacer?
Pacer does not offer refunds on subscriptions. However, for your convenience you can find details about how to dispute a charge below:
- If you are an Apple iPhone user, per the iTunes user agreement, all purchase disputes and resolutions should go through iTunes. You can dispute an iTunes charge by going to
- If you are a Google Play user, you should first request a refund from Google Play. This help article details how you can request a refund