The Pacer App and Pacer for Teams are global products, meaning almost anyone with a smartphone can track their daily activities and participate in Pacer step challenges.
Pacer App Languages
English, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Vietnamese.
Pacer will detect a user's smartphone's mother language and convert it to the correct one if it is listed above.
Pacer App Accessibility
Pacer Android and iOS are available in both Apple App Store and Google Play in most markets around the world. However, Google apps and services have been blocked in some markets such as China, which would affect users in that area. Please contact us for more information about accessibility.
World Time Zones & Syncing Data
1. The Pacer App and Pacer for Teams Admin system takes into account a user's specific geographic location and time zone to determine which calendar day the fitness activity will be recorded.
2. Pacer challenges are measured on a calendar day, midnight to midnight. For example, a scheduled Pacer challenge from March 1 to March 31 officially starts at 12:00 AM (0:00) on March 1 and ends at 11:59 PM (23:59) on March 31.
3. The P4T Enterprise Challenge system gives an additional 12 hours after a scheduled challenge ends for participants to sync their data. For example, if a challenge ends on March 31, a participant will have until Noon (12:00) on April 1 in their current time zone to sync data for the last time. Anything after Noon will not be considered.
4. Regardless of which world time zone the challenge was created in, each participant will have their current time zone calendar day to record challenge data. For example, a California-based user (GMT-8) working for a London-based company (GMT-0) will have a day that finishes 8 hours after London's. As such, Admins who want to report the most accurate weekly challenge leaderboard updates for global challenges should consider the participants closest to the International Dateline (ex. California/British Columbia, Hawaii). In such a case, Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning London time would allow ample time for a participant to sync.
5. There is a known product limitation for participants who travel frequently across multiple world time zones.
Participant Numbers
If your challenge will include more than 200 participants and will span more than one continent or time zone, we require at least 2 weeks to properly onboard. Challenge Administrators, run a free P4T trial to test international phone systems & networks, and ensure enough challenge participant onboarding time.
P4T Admin Account Setup
1. Schedule a Pacer for Teams video conference demo with a Pacer representative. Invite any additional colleagues who will serve as additional challenge Admins, or technical support, such as IT.
2. Register a free Pacer for Teams Admin account to automatically start your one-week free trial for up to 10 users. Invite Android and iOS users from various groups around the world to see how the challenge system works.
3. Setup your P4T Organization Settings to your liking. Remember you can edit and change these at any time before or during the challenge.
Run Test Challenges
1. Understand how Pacer collects and syncs data to the Pacer for Teams system.
2. Understand how differing step counts might happen and what to do in case there are data discrepancies.
3. Understand that Pacer has fitness wearable connectivity and know which ones can currently connect to a participant's phone system or Pacer.
4. Understand and decide whether to allow participants' manually added activity data to be considered for the challenge.
5. Practice creating challenges in the Manage Challenges area of the Admin platform. Toggle settings, invite participants, run data reports, and understand how a challenge completes in the P4T system.
Please contact us if you have any additional global challenge questions.